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11-50 employees
Job sector
Government & Public Administration
occupation category
Agricultural Inspectors
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In person
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Required skills
- Identifies key issues, understands the consequences, and applies the appropriate regulatory framework
- Takes emergency actions, such as closing production facilities, if product safety is compromised
- Understands and upholds the rights of stakeholders and addresses their concerns
- Assesses food safety and/or feed safety management systems
- Reviews and monitors foreign product inspection systems in countries of origin to ensure equivalence to the U.S. system
- Interprets and enforces government acts and regulations and explain required standards to agricultural workers
- Develops clear, realistic and feasible recommendations, and proactively contributes to dissemination in order to ensure the use of findings to inform future program and policy decisions
- Produces a written record of the outcomes of validation
- Prepares the necessary equipment and paperwork required to undertake the inspection
- Ensures all test equipment is calibrated and adequate reference samples are utilized to ensure accuracy of results to protect clients
- Validates data accuracy and data quality and to ensure that data collection and analysis have been conducted ethically
- Applies and interprets a range of evaluation methods and approaches, both quantitative and qualitative
- Inspects food products and processing procedures to determine whether products are safe to eat
- Assesses whether the business has put in place, implemented and maintained a feed quality assurance system
- Collects samples from animals, plants, or products and routes them to laboratories for microbiological assessment, ingredient verification, or other testing
- Establishes the relevant evaluation quality assurance mechanisms for upholding high-quality standards
- Directs or monitors the quarantine and treatment or destruction of plants or plant products
- Respects and understands the role and function of federal, state and local interfaces and engages agencies when appropriate
- Gathers and stores relevant physical and digital information and materials in an appropriate manner and record in sufficient detail to support inspection findings if needed for admissible evidence in court, if required
- assessing food and/or feed products, labelling or other information to determine whether it complies with applicable legislation.
- Takes appropriate and proportionate action in accordance with relevant policies and procedures, including findings from the inspection - potential risks to human and/or animal health posed by any issues identified - potential risks to the interests of the consumer and supply chain integrity posed by any issues identified
- Writes reports of findings and recommendations and advise farmers, growers, or processors of corrective action to be taken
- Examines, weighs, and measures commodities, such as poultry, eggs, meat, or seafood to certify qualities, grades, and weights
- Ensures that appropriate evaluation data collection and analysis methods are used
- Assesses business compliance with feed legislation
- Effectively represents the Agency’s position and views
- Assesses food businesses compliance with relevant food hygiene legislation as part of an inspection
- Ensures businesses comply with federal and state laws and regulations that govern the health, quality, and safety of meat, poultry, egg products, fruit, and vegetables Provides the business with a clearly written record in accordance with relevant legislation, policies
- Plans a risk-based inspection having regard to the size, scope and ownership of the business - history of compliance, previous risk rating and any relevant information from recent interventions, information or intelligence received about the business since last intervention, primary authority partnerships, inspection plans and primary authority advice, relevant information on the businesses’ website.
- Recognizes and responds with an appropriate sense of urgency to incidents as they arise and ensures that others are appropriately informed
- Generates an appropriate food hygiene rating score, where applicable
- Assesses business compliance with legislation at primary production
- Uses sound judgment in exercising the appropriate level of caution, planning and contingency planning
- Notifies appropriate persons, other than the business, of the findings and action taken following the inspection in accordance with relevant policies and procedures
- Inspects agricultural commodities or related operations, as well as fish or logging operations, for compliance with laws and regulations governing health, quality, and safety
- Produces a written record of the outcomes of the inspection
- Provides consultative services in areas such as equipment or product evaluation, plant construction or layout, or food safety systems
- Takes appropriate and proportionate follow-up action in accordance with relevant policies and procedures, to assess whether identified issues have been addressed
- Inspects the cleanliness and practices of establishment employees
- Inspects or tests horticultural products or livestock to detect harmful diseases, chemical residues, or infestations and to determine the quality of products or animals
- Assesses whether the business has put in place, implemented and maintained an effective template or bespoke food safety management system
- Sets labeling standards and approves labels for meat or poultry products
- Verifies that transportation and handling procedures meet regulatory requirements
- Conducts a risk-based inspection, making assessments about whether the business is complying with applicable legal requirements, through observations, questioning relevant individuals and review of records
- Conducts inquiries about pesticides or chemicals to which animals may have been exposed.
- Monitors the operations and sanitary conditions of slaughtering or meat processing plants
- Assesses whether the business is applying good practice and identifies opportunities for improvement
- Develops high-quality terms of references for moderately complex evaluations, including clear and focused evaluation questions
- Recognizes the nature and sensitivity of information and treats that information in accordance with the appropriate guidance
- Generates an appropriate risk rating to inform the frequency of the next intervention, where applicable
- Responds appropriately to unexpected circumstances identified during the inspection, if required and request assistance, where necessary
- Analyzes data from diverse sources and identifies key trends
- Labels and seals graded products and issue official grading certificates
- Set standards for the production of meat or poultry products or for food ingredients, additives, or compounds used to prepare or package products
- Proposes supportable enforcement action based on a review of the subject