Assemblers and Fabricators, All Other
All assemblers and fabricators not listed separately.
All assemblers and fabricators not listed separately.
“All Other” titles represent occupations with a wide range of characteristics which do not fit into one of the detailed O*NET-SOC occupations. O*NET data is not available for this type of title. For specific occupations under this title, see:
Bioinformatics Scientists
Molecular and Cellular Biologists
All building cleaning workers not listed separately.
All building cleaning workers not listed separately.
Manage the operation of communications, detection, and weapons systems essential for controlling air, ground, and naval operations. Duties include managing critical communication links between air, naval, and ground forces; formulating and implementing emergency plans for natural and wartime disasters; coordinating emergency response teams and agencies; evaluating command center information and need for high-level military and government reporting; managing the operation of surveillance and detection systems; providing technical information and advice on capabilities and operational readiness; and directing operation of weapons targeting, firing, and launch computer systems.
Operate and monitor communications, detection, and weapons systems essential for controlling air, ground, and naval operations. Duties include maintaining and relaying critical communications between air, naval, and ground forces; implementing emergency plans for natural and wartime disasters; relaying command center information to high-level military and government decisionmakers; monitoring surveillance and detection systems, such as air defense; interpreting and evaluating tactical situations and making recommendations to superiors; and operating weapons targeting, firing, and launch computer systems.
All communications equipment operators not listed separately.
All community and social service specialists not listed separately.
All computer occupations not listed separately.
All construction and related workers not listed separately.