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About the Talent Triad

Using your skills, credentials, and experiences to match you to your next job and education opportunity

Students and Jobseekers who participate in the Alabama Talent Triad can manage what they have learned and earned through their Learning & Employment Record (LER). The Learning and Employment Record will match their earned and learned skills, credentials and experiences with Alabama employers seeking candidates that have similar skills, credentials, and/or work experience. 

For those seeking new skills to become competitive in the marketplace, the Alabama Talent Triad provides recommended learning, apprenticeships, and upskilling opportunities as well as resources for scholarships in order to help support continued learning.

Students and Jobseekers can build their Learning & Employment Records (LER) through retirement at no cost.

The State of Alabama is committed to supporting the career aspirations of all Alabamians.

Earn the skills that pay the bills.

All it takes is one decision to register, ensuring you will always have an opportunity to turn  you skills, credentials and experiences into assets for your next job. It doesn’t take much to get started. Take a look at these short, informational videos to see what you’ll gain from the Alabama Talent Triad. Students and jobseekers can be matched to job and learning recommendations that best represent their earned and learned skills, credentials, and experiences today through retirement. As a student and jobseeker, you will find both degree and non-degree learning paths to skills that boost earning potential in today's evolving job market.


19,816 Pilot Learners
With Verified Skills-based Learning & Employment Records (LERs)
High School Learners
College Learners
Adult Ed Learners
Verified Credential Assertions
Verified Skills Assertions
Discover more than
13,000 Learning & Earning
Opportunities in Alabama
Apprenticeship Programs
10,027 Credentials
Skills-based Credentialed Learning Opportunities
Open Skills-based Jobs 157 Skills-based Job Templates