The Atlanta Fed has partnered with the State of Alabama to create DAVID, the Dashboard for Alabamians to Visualize Income Determinations, designed to help people navigate the loss of public assistance as they move along a career pathway.
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DAVID helps individuals understand how much money they will gain through paid employment and helps them cope with the loss of public assistance as they progress through their career pathways.
DAVID maps benefits cliffs for in-demand occupations across Alabama, which helps individuals visualize how their incomes will increase over time as they move toward self-sufficiency.
DAVID also helps us implement a no-wrong-door approach to the workforce development system by helping our case mangers across multiple state agencies provide a continuum of services for consumers of the public workforce system.
DAVID maps benefits cliffs for in-demand occupations across Alabama, which helps individuals visualize how their incomes will increase over time as they move toward self-sufficiency.
DAVID also helps us implement a no-wrong-door approach to the workforce development system by helping our case mangers across multiple state agencies provide a continuum of services for consumers of the public workforce system.
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